After discovering delicious recipes for falafel, hummus, and hot sauce to recreate a Mediterranean feast at home...
International Inspirations Recipes
Air-fried Falafel
If you’ve never tried making falafel at home, you’re in for a treat! These air-fried falafel are crispy on the...
Middle Eastern Hot Sauce
I was thrilled to find this Middle Eastern hot sauce recipe from Plates of Love because the original developer...
Homemade Hummus
If you’ve ever wondered how to make creamy, flavorful homemade hummus from scratch, this Instant Pot method is a...
Asian-Inspired Honey Glazed Grilled Pork Steak
Introducing my inaugural recipe for Wanda Farm, a delectable dish that graced their blog on October 4, 2022. Get ready...
Beef Enchilada
Enchiladas, a classic Mexican dish, are traditionally made with corn tortillas. However, my family enjoys enchilada...
Homemade Red Enchilada Sauce
For years, I relied on enchilada sauce packets for my enchiladas. Desiring to cut down on sodium and processed...
Cilantro Crema
A few years ago, my friend Tina introduced me to a delicious topping for our Mexican meal—Cilantro Crema. It brought a...
Thai Turkey Meatballs in Coconut Curry
I love Thai food, and this Thai Turkey Meatballs in Coconut Curry recipe from Rachl Mansfield is a quick and delicious...
Mexican Rice
After discovering the convenience of making long-grain rice in an Instant Pot, I went on a quest to find a delicious...
Beef Barbacoa
After our son fell in love with Chipotle's Beef Barbacoa, I decided to recreate it at home. This recipe quickly became...
Chilaquiles & Eggs
I absolutely love Mexican food, especially when it comes to the leftovers. Mexican leftovers are just the best! One of...