After discovering delicious recipes for falafel, hummus, and hot sauce to recreate a Mediterranean feast at home...
Gluten-Free Recipes
Air-fried Falafel
If you’ve never tried making falafel at home, you’re in for a treat! These air-fried falafel are crispy on the...
Middle Eastern Hot Sauce
I was thrilled to find this Middle Eastern hot sauce recipe from Plates of Love because the original developer...
Homemade Hummus
If you’ve ever wondered how to make creamy, flavorful homemade hummus from scratch, this Instant Pot method is a...
Christmas Tree Deviled Eggs
I first spotted this festive twist on deviled eggs shared by @carla.bushey on Instagram and knew I had to give them a...
Berry Fizz Tea
If you’re looking for a fun and refreshing punch that both adults and kids will love, this Berry Fizz Tea is it! A...
Pomegranate and Cranberry Bruschetta
Last Thanksgiving, my friend brought a Pomegranate and Cranberry Bruschetta appetizer that was such a hit, I had to...
Ginger, Carrot & Coconut Soup
This Ginger, Carrot & Coconut Milk Soup is a velvety blend of sweet carrots, zesty ginger, and creamy coconut...
Strawberry Salsa
My sister-in-law, Lauren, always brings the best dishes to our family gatherings, and this strawberry salsa is one of...
Cauliflower Fried Rice
Our family really enjoys fried rice, especially the savory flavors and aromas from our visits to Japanese steakhouses....
Asian-Inspired Honey Glazed Grilled Pork Steak
Introducing my inaugural recipe for Wanda Farm, a delectable dish that graced their blog on October 4, 2022. Get ready...
Caramelized & Candied Pecans or Walnuts
Looking to add a touch of gourmet flair to your salads? Enter: Candied Pecans or Walnuts—a game-changer for your...