A Mediterranean appetizer tray is the perfect way to bring bold, fresh flavors to your table. Using my homemade...
Appetizer Recipes
Homemade Hummus
If you’ve ever wondered how to make creamy, flavorful homemade hummus from scratch, this Instant Pot method is a...
Christmas Tree Deviled Eggs
I first spotted this festive twist on deviled eggs shared by @carla.bushey on Instagram and knew I had to give them a...
Black Bean Salsa
This black bean salsa is a flavorful and healthy twist on classic salsa, bringing together creamy black beans, fresh...
Curry Chicken Salad
This Curry Chicken Salad is a delicious way to transform leftover chicken into something special. Inspired by a meal...
Homemade Salsa
There’s nothing like homemade salsa to elevate a meal or make snack time extra special! This recipe combines fresh...
Pomegranate and Cranberry Bruschetta
Last Thanksgiving, my friend brought a Pomegranate and Cranberry Bruschetta appetizer that was such a hit, I had to...
Sweet Savory Meatballs
I always enjoyed the popular sweet and savory meatballs at parties but never made them myself because it took so long...
Strawberry Salsa
My sister-in-law, Lauren, always brings the best dishes to our family gatherings, and this strawberry salsa is one of...
Thyme Honey, Peach & Goat Cheese Crostini
While looking for ways to enjoy the 24 lbs. of fresh Georgia peaches I purchased, I stumbled upon this peach and goat...